Category: Gender neutral

0 12840

It’s about time

While trying to unravel the origin of a fetish I have, I got struck by the beauty of time. I learned that the “when” can be more important than the “why” or the “how”.

 Leave a comment    Posted in English, Gender neutral, Male voice, Uncategorized
0 16859

Introduction Series – First Tr@nce & Submission (2/5)

An explanatory, non-hypnotic introduction into hypnosis, that deals with myths, and possible prejudices towards hypnosis…

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0 2706

New! Dutch Erotic Hypnosis Community (DEHC)

Nee, je bent niet langer alleen! Vanaf nu is er een plek waar je gewoon…

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0 19575

Introduction Series – Preparing For Trance (1/5)

An explanatory, non-hypnotic introduction into hypnosis, that deals with myths, and possible prejudices towards hypnosis…

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0 16843

Introduction Series – Preparing For Trance (1/5)

An explanatory, non-hypnotic introduction into hypnosis, that deals with myths, and possible prejudices towards hypnosis…

 Leave a comment    Posted in English, Female voice, Gender neutral Tagged , , ,
0 7557

Trance begeleiding voor beginners

Als je nog nooit hebt ervaren hoe hypnose voelt, dan is deze file voor jou….

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0 6052

Enter The Matrix

A numbers game, where my numbers take you deeper…, and deeper…, into a wonderful relaxation….

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